If you hadnt wanted divided skies,
There wouldn’t be rivers of blood
You’d overlooked the wall that divides,
There would be less of us in the mud.
If we had really understood “religion”,
The swords would lie in their scabbards
And if we were really brothers,
Like we claim to be,
We wouldn’t kill each other
for land, money and power…
I wouldn’t try to hoist my flag,
Where his mother had died and
He wouldn’t try to own the land,
Where, god was crucified…
Fake promises fall to the blade,
There’s only fanfaronade
I forget what god has said,
I kill them in the name of crusade..
What a hypocrite I am
But black never fades ..
I always have god and religion to blame ..
ha ha ha ha
A filthy man I am..
but i dont let it show,
a filthy man i am,
who cares even if anyone knows
who is to take me to the gallows?
when mine is the word that goes....
Who can awaken them?
With their destinies in my hand,
Sleeping with their eyes open
They think they rule the land....
Who can awaken them?
The puppets in my hand,
For, awake they are ,
But they don’t understand....